HTML5 Inline Edit with PHP, MYSQL & jQuery Ajax

HTML5 Inline Editing with PHP, MYSQL & jQuery

Now a days, We are always looking for easiest way for people to interact with our Web Applications ie. HTML5 Inline Edit with PHP. I am going to tell you about In-Place Editing or Inline Editing.  Popular websites like facebook wants their user to edit their profile information without having … Read more

PHP Session TimeOut Login Popup with jQuery & Ajax

php session timeout login popup with ajax login

My readers are asking that how do we display message to users that their sessions got expired. So I thought this tutorial will really useful to lots of web developer who working on session based websites. We should always notify our users that their PHP session timeout via popup or … Read more

Dynamic Drop Down Menu using PHP, Mysql & jQuery

Mashable Style Dynamic Drop Down Menu with jQuery

Everyone knows that Mashable is the world’s largest independent website dedicated to news, information, technology and resources for the connected generation. Now I am going to explain you about how to create mashable style dynamic drop down menu using Php, Mysql & jQuery Ajax. If its dyamic then we can able to … Read more

Getting Images from Flickr, Instagram, Twitpic, Imgur & Deviantart Url using PHP & jQuery

Facebook Style Image Url Expander

Previously I had explained how to display videos from video url using PHP – My readers are continuously asked how to fetch images from various sources like Instagram, pinterest, Flickr, Twitpic & Imgur etc via url using php. Now a days major sites are using this feature to automatically embed … Read more

Simple Hashtag System with PHP, MYSQL & jQuery

Facebook like Hashtag System with PHP

If you are not aware of Hashtag, then I will say you would not using any social networking sites in a very large extent.  Here I am going to explain you about the advantages of hashtag & how you can implement it in your web projects using php & mysql. … Read more

Facebook Wall Script 4.0 with PHP Codeigniter MVC Framework

Facebook Wall Script - Codeigniter MVC Framework

Previously I had published Facebook Wall Script 3.0 with normal PHP. After that people are asking me to develop wall script in MVC framework. So I choosed one of the popular PHP framework among web developers called Codeigniter (CodeIgniter). Why Codeigniter Wall Script? You prefer nearly zero configuration. Security SEO friendly Url Exceptional performance. … Read more

Multiple Images Upload to Amazon S3 using PHP & jQuery

Multiple Image Upload to Amazon S3 using Php& jQuery

I am going to explain jQuery Multiple File upload to Amazon S3 bucket without refreshing a page using PHP & jQuery. Most of the social networking sites are storing files/images in Amazon servers only. Let me explain why do we need Amazon S3 Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is an … Read more

Smiley Parser with PHP

Smiley Parser with PHP

Today I am going to share How to make a smiley parser in PHP with few lines of code. A simple array with key as smiley symbol & value as image is used to parse a smiley using php’s str_replace function These little tricks  will spice up your IM conversations … Read more