Quick tips to learn this keyword in JavaScript

this keyword in javascript

Whether you use any JS framework or someone who had used the basic event-handlers in JavaScript/Jquery, you would be very familiar with this keyword. Now, it is common in other languages too but it’s a little different in JavaScript. This is one of the fundamental topics but still unclear for … Read more

How to find unused npm packages?

Unused Dependencies

With the wide availability of packages in NPM, we very often tend to add plenty of packages. With time, and due to poor management of code, the dependency tree grows and adds extra weight to the bundle. Identifying and removing unused dependencies manually would be a hideous process. Thankfully, we … Read more

How to Run a Simple AB Testing on a Website?

AB Testing

A/B tests provide us with a way of testing two versions of something to know which is most successful. Here is an example of a simple AB Testing: Have you ever argued with a colleague on the shortest route to a particular destination? How did you settle that argument? You … Read more

7 Tips to Speed up Your Website in 2020

Not too long ago, Google rolled out the “Speed Update,” considering the fact that people do not want to wait around for the answers they are searching for. Aimed at web pages delivering the slowest user experiences, it would only affect a small proportion of total search queries. Even then, … Read more

How to login with username or email in PHP & MYSQL

How to Login using Username or Email Id with PHP & MYSQL

In many social networking sites, they allow users to login with Username or Email using PHP. I would say this is the fantastic feature for whose all who forgot their usernames. I strongly believe that most of the people will forgot their Usernames rather than Email id. Here I am … Read more

How to capture webpage screenshot using javascript?

How to take webpage screenshot using javascript

If you want to take a Webpage screenshot or particular element like DIV then this tutorial will help you to get it done. Why do you want to take a screenshot of webpage? lets say if you want to Capture user’s data on part of the screen Capture Canvas Element … Read more

How to find the difference between two dates in php?

How to Calculate Differnce Between Two Dates in PHP

If you were given two dates, that is start date and end date and You want to find the difference between two dates in PHP. Its very simple and easy to calculate the difference between two dates. There are two methods to find the difference. By using date_diff() in-built function … Read more

How toremove index.php from Codeigniter URL ?

Remove index.php from URL in Codeigniter

If you are using Codeigniter you are noticed that by default index.php will be included with your URL. We should remove index php codeigniter because its very ugly to have it in all the urls. So lets see how to from url in Codeigniter from Servers separately I will tell … Read more