jQuery Remove Elements with Animation

Every language & libraries has its own competitors. jQuery is hardly competitor to Flash. Now a days every web developers prefer to choose jQuery instead of Flash because of its ultimate UI Effects. jQuery leads when its come to SEO point of view where Flash doesn’t. jquery remove animation is used to remove elements from the page with animation. Users can able to see the element which has been deleted with an animation effect

Deleting records in your web applications is must. So today I am going to tell you how to add multiple animations to delete records using jQuery. see more http://jqueryui.com/effect/

jquery remove elements


List of Available Effects for jQuery Remove Elements Animation

  1. Blind
  2. Bounce
  3. Clip
  4. Drop
  5. Explode
  6. Fade
  7. Fold
  8. Highlight
  9. Puff
  10. Pulsate
  11. Scale
  12. Shake
  13. Size
  14. Slide
  15. Transfer

jQuery Code to Remove an Element with Animation

var parent = jQuery(this);
//list of effects stored in array
var effects = Array('explode','bounce','fade','blind','clip','drop','fold','transfer','size','shake');
//get random effect from effects array
var effect = effects[Math.floor(Math.random()*effects.length)];
var c = confirm('Delete this record?');
if(c) parent.closest(".msg_body").hide(effect,500);

First I have stored all effects in an array. From that array I have taken one effect in a random manner & I had applied that effect into hide function


<div class="msg_body">
<div class="msg_img">
<img src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/82620dd66b22b34a915303b93b92929b" />
<div class="msg_text">
Facebook Style Tag Selector using jQuery & CSS3 <a href="http://w3lessons.info">Read More</a>
<div class="time">5 seconds ago <a href="javascript:;" class="delete">delete</a></div>

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