Call to action button on your own using CSS

Designing call to action buttons into web interfaces requires some forethought and planning; it has to be part of your prototyping and information architecture processes in order for them to work well. In this section, we’ll discuss some design techniques for call to action buttons. here is the css code … Read more

Tips to Create a Static Div

Create the div First of all, you will need to create the actual div layer. Here’s an example of one: 1 2 3 <div id=”box”>     <img src=”notice.jpg” /> </div> You can put this code at any point in your page since you will be using CSS to set its absolute … Read more

5 new techniques every web developer should know

Web developers always have to update their knowledges and learn new technologies if they want to stay tuned with today’s coding. Today, I’m going to show you 5 recent web development techniques that you should definitely learn, or improve if you already know them. CSS3 media queries With the rise … Read more