Hi guys, Today I am going to share some important PHP functions/Codes which I had been used in my web projects. This will really useful & save your coding time also. You can integrate anytime in your web projects / applications. All the below codes are more secure & worked well in most server platforms.
1. Validate Email Address in PHP
This validate Email address function will return boolean true or false
function valid_email($address)
return ( ! preg_match("/^([a-z0-9\+_\-]+)(\.[a-z0-9\+_\-]+)*@([a-z0-9\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}$/ix", $address)) ? FALSE : TRUE;
2. Validate Multiple Email Addresses in PHP
This function will validate multiple email addresses separated by comma. You have to use above function to achieve multiple email validation.
function valid_emails($str)
if (strpos($str, ',') === FALSE)
return valid_email(trim($str));
foreach (explode(',', $str) as $email)
if (trim($email) != '' && valid_email(trim($email)) === FALSE)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
This function is used to convert php tags into entities
function encode_php_tags($str)
return str_replace(array('<?php', '<?PHP', '<?', '?>'), array('<?php', '<?PHP', '<?', '?>'), $str);
4. Check the String is Alpha in PHP
This function is used to check whether the string is alpha or not.
function checka_alpha($str)
return ( ! preg_match("/^([a-z])+$/i", $str)) ? FALSE : TRUE;
5. Check the String is Alpha Numeric in PHP
This function is used to check whether the string is alpha numeric or not.
function check_alpha_numeric($str)
return ( ! preg_match("/^([a-z0-9])+$/i", $str)) ? FALSE : TRUE;
6. Word Limiter – Limits a string to X number of words in PHP
function word_limiter($str, $limit = 100, $end_char = '…')
if (trim($str) == '')
return $str;
preg_match('/^\s*+(?:\S++\s*+){1,'.(int) $limit.'}/', $str, $matches);
if (strlen($str) == strlen($matches[0]))
$end_char = '';
return rtrim($matches[0]).$end_char;
7. Character Limiter in PHP
This function will limits the string based on the character count. Preserves complete words so the character count may not be exactly as specified.
function character_limiter($str, $max = 500, $end_char = '…')
if (strlen($str) < $max)
return $str;
$str = preg_replace("/\s+/", ' ', str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n"), ' ', $str));
if (strlen($str) <= $max)
return $str;
$out = "";
foreach (explode(' ', trim($str)) as $val)
$out .= $val.' ';
if (strlen($out) >= $max)
$out = trim($out);
return (strlen($out) == strlen($str)) ? $out : $out.$end_char;
8. Generate Random String in PHP
Generates a random string based on the type and length you specify. Useful for creating passwords or generating random hashes.
The first parameter specifies the type of string, the second parameter specifies the length. The following choices are available:
alpha, alunum, numeric, nozero, unique, md5, & encrypt
- alpha: A string with lower and uppercase letters only.
- alnum: Alpha-numeric string with lower and uppercase characters.
- numeric: Numeric string.
- nozero: Numeric string with no zeros.
- unique: Encrypted with MD5 and uniqid(). Note: The length parameter is not available for this type. Returns a fixed length 32 character string.
function generate_random_string($type = 'alnum', $len = 8)
case 'basic' : return mt_rand();
case 'alnum' :
case 'numeric' :
case 'nozero' :
case 'alpha' :
switch ($type)
case 'alpha' : $pool = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
case 'alnum' : $pool = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
case 'numeric' : $pool = '0123456789';
case 'nozero' : $pool = '123456789';
$str = '';
for ($i=0; $i < $len; $i++)
$str .= substr($pool, mt_rand(0, strlen($pool) -1), 1);
return $str;
case 'unique' :
case 'md5' :
return md5(uniqid(mt_rand()));
echo generate_random_string('alnum', 16);
9. Find Number of Days in a Month in PHP
Takes a month/year as input and returns the number of days for the given month/year. Takes leap years into consideration.
function find_days_in_month($month = 0, $year = '')
if ($month < 1 OR $month > 12)
return 0;
if ( ! is_numeric($year) OR strlen($year) != 4)
$year = date('Y');
if ($month == 2)
if ($year % 400 == 0 OR ($year % 4 == 0 AND $year % 100 != 0))
return 29;
$days_in_month = array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
return $days_in_month[$month - 1];
echo find_days_in_month(06, 2005);
10. Converts a local Unix timestamp to GMT in PHP
function local_to_gmt($time = '')
if ($time == '')
$time = time();
return mktime( gmdate("H", $time), gmdate("i", $time), gmdate("s", $time), gmdate("m", $time), gmdate("d", $time), gmdate("Y", $time));
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No need to reinvent the wheel:
For email validation:
var_dump(filter_var(‘bob@example.com’, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL));
#1 is a very very week way of validating email, this should not be implemented as it has many many flaws. (ALSO #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 have been copied word for word out of CodeIgniter!! perhaps you should give some credit where credit is due). thanks.
Please, learn PHP the right way!
Your regular expression for email addresses is wrong. PHP has a very well builtin function to check if an email address is valid. Just have a look at the manual: http://www.php.net/manual/de/function.filter-var.php#refsect1-function.filter-var-examples
Your random string generator is ok for random strings, but never (!!!!) use it for passwords or if you need a safe random string / value. There are much better ways from a security point of view, just look at https://github.com/padraic/SecurityMultiTool/blob/master/library/SecurityMultiTool/Random/Generator.php for a good implementation.
And as Kristopher Wilson said, just use DateTime! http://php.net/DateTime
Most of these are crazy balls, but #9 is my favorite: How about just doing date(‘t’, strtotime(“$month/01/$year”)); ? or better yet: new DateTime(“$month/01/$year”)->format(‘t’); ?
Why write (! $some_boolean_expression) ? FALSE : TRUE when you could just use (! $some_boolean_expression)
functions to get precious hours of php developer